"I've got nothin' to lose and nothin' to gain
And don't waste your heart on a wild thing
She's got a soul that won't settle on one thing
Whoa this bird can't sing when you've tied its wings"
No one knows what they're doing, do they? I mean really. No one knows. You know what really blows my mind? Think about where you were a year ago, and now think about where you are today. What's the same? Well, I've got a cup of coffee sitting on the table. It's hot and the lid is off. I almost never drink coffee with the lid still on. A friend pointed out to me, that I always drink it with two hands, too. He was right, I've been drinking coffee for a long time and I always do lift it to my mouth both hands hugging the cup. Sarah (Thomas) is still sitting next to me. We may be in a different country but there is a certainty in sitting with her at a coffee shop, no words are needed, no matter where we are in the world. I've still got a pair of leather moccasins to walk around in. They are weathered and worn in, oh, but the places they've been. Eric Church is still sweeping me off my feet on my ipod, and there's a book next to my coffee. Naturally, some things will never change. Oh, thankfully, I am still writing too. God, my life would be in shackles if I couldn't write. Whether it be on a computer or with a pen or journal.
What's different? I'm single. Technically, I was single last year too. I will not expand on this at this time. My hair is a lot longer now. I've always loved my hair. I love the simplicity and ease it takes to fix it after a shower. Its as long as its been in a while. The color is different. I don't know what it is about women and break ups but I always want to do something visually drastic after becoming single again. The color is a dark mahogany brown color. There is a shade of purple and red that shines through in the sun. Last year, my hair was a dark brown/blackish color. Don't ask me why I thought it looked good. Did it? It made my eyes stand out, but I think that may have been the only plus. T
The biggest change I've seen in my life within the past year are the people I've chosen to surround myself with. You could call them friends, but I think family would be a better word to use. Yes, I still have Thomas but new friendships have developed. Some are so strong they make me question how I ever survived without them. One of my good friends, Jon Garza, seen below, is leaving on Wednesday to transfer to San Diego.

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that he will succeed at anything he does when he gets there. Whether it be in his navy career or his personal life. I know that he's probably freaking out about the next chapter, but if he just steps back to enjoy the ride, he'll be absolutely fine. Yesterday a small group of us went to Yokohama for one of Garza's last get together. We opened a bottle of wine on the ferris wheel, and cheers'ed the night away shot after shot for him. So many memories have been made and there are so many more to come. I guess I should start being OK with saying goodbye, because after Garza, it will be just as hard when Britany leaves, too. But you know what makes all of it OK? This year, I am writing about what is the same in my life after a year. So next year, I can just imagine myself putting Garza, and Britany in the same category, of yeah these people are still here.. What's the same after a year? Family is. I am in control of what remains constant in my life and that's the cool part. Family is constant, no matter what. This much I have learned. No matter whats been going on in my life, they've been there. Miles apart won't change that.
So, I can't get anymore pictures on here, because its deleted itself twice. I'm not okay with trying again. It's exhausting re-writing thoughts, so I apologize Pyne, you don't have a picture. Last year, I didn't have a twin, but this year, I wonder how I survived Japan a year without you. You know that Taylor Swift song, "I'm Only me When I'm With You," well that's what I think of, when I think of her. OK, so the lines below aren't in order, but they are all my favorite parts.
"And I don't try to hide my tears.
The secrets or my deepest fears.
Through it all nobody gets me like you do.
I'm only me when I'm with you.
When I'm with anybody else it's so hard to be myself.
Only you can tell."
So even if I don't know who I am I know that I love the person I am when she is around me. I just think life is more fun with her around. Do you have someone in your life that just brings sunshine in? That's what she does. I know without a doubt that she will be with me, for many more years to come.
Don't get pregnant twin, I can't handle a goodbye from you yet.
What else is different? I don't know. What else will change? Everything probably. Everything and nothing. Am I different personality wise? Yes, but the person inside is the same. So, stay you, no matter what. Stay who you are and respect the people who are constant and true in your life. In a year, we shall re-evaluate things.
So, I can't get anymore pictures on here, because its deleted itself twice. I'm not okay with trying again. It's exhausting re-writing thoughts, so I apologize Pyne, you don't have a picture. Last year, I didn't have a twin, but this year, I wonder how I survived Japan a year without you. You know that Taylor Swift song, "I'm Only me When I'm With You," well that's what I think of, when I think of her. OK, so the lines below aren't in order, but they are all my favorite parts.
"And I don't try to hide my tears.
The secrets or my deepest fears.
Through it all nobody gets me like you do.
I'm only me when I'm with you.
When I'm with anybody else it's so hard to be myself.
Only you can tell."
So even if I don't know who I am I know that I love the person I am when she is around me. I just think life is more fun with her around. Do you have someone in your life that just brings sunshine in? That's what she does. I know without a doubt that she will be with me, for many more years to come.
Don't get pregnant twin, I can't handle a goodbye from you yet.
What else is different? I don't know. What else will change? Everything probably. Everything and nothing. Am I different personality wise? Yes, but the person inside is the same. So, stay you, no matter what. Stay who you are and respect the people who are constant and true in your life. In a year, we shall re-evaluate things.