Most embarrassing moment. Well, I can't give you that. I do odd things everyday. Weird, in fact. People probably roll their eyes, and think, "really, Greene." about half the things I do everyday. However, few moments are as hilarious as the memory that is about to unfold as I tell it.
I began going to the gym regularly while I was a college student at Western Carolina University in 2006. In 2006, the campus of Western was much different. The gym I went to was right across the street from Scott (the freshman dorm). The new gym had yet to be built. The reason why I loved going to the gym so much was because all the treadmills faced the guys lifting weights. Ladies, this makes my gym experience much more enjoyable! Well, as a couple years went by, I continued to attend the gym. When Western built a new gym I started going to it.
The problem with this new gym was the lay out of where the treadmills and ellipticals were located. Western, why would you position the treadmills facing toward the windows rather than the weight lifting section? I mean, really, which person decided that would be a good idea?
Anyways, one day I hopped on the treadmill in a pair of work out shorts and my favorite phi mu tee. And, I'm not gonna lie, I was looking and feeling pretty good. I was done with classes for the day and was ready for "me" time. I put my headphones in, and started warming up. After warming up for ten minutes or so, I increased my speed to 8.0. At 8.0, I shouldn't have been messing with my phone...
A sorority girl's schedule is very busy, to say the least. I probably had plans to meet Caro at the U.C. after my workout for dinner or something like that. As I was running, I was really in the mood and getting it to some 80's song. I hear my phone vibrate and slowly grab for it to see if it was Caro.
You know that feeling of falling? I don't mean the falling feeling while you're asleep. I mean, the legit, oh shit moment when you know you are about to bust ass. The kind of split second of fear where moments flash before your eyes, kind of moment. All you can do is squint your eyes and pray to the good Lord that no one was watching you.
As I picked up my phone, I fumbled with it and it flew backwards, and somehow jammed itself underneath the treadmill behind me. In the process of dropping my phone, my body yanked itself off the treadmill.Awkwardly, my legs got tangled and my arms flailed everywhere. I tried to reach for the handrails, but to no avail. I fell hard! My head landed on the floor, cheek, about a foot away from the treadmill still racing away. My headphones were on, but I know I made a big thud going down. My heart raced and my face was burning up. I knew it turned red from embarrassment. Still laying on the ground like an idiot, I reached for my phone underneath the treadmill behind me.
Defeated, I did what any sensible person would do in similar situations, I did the quick look around. Before even catching my breath, I did a 360 degree investigation of the gym to find out who saw me sling myself off the treadmill. As I looked around everyone's heads turned in different directions as I looked their way. I think they felt sorry for me "Shit," I thought, everyone saw! But, I knew if I left, I would leave defeated. I would leave sad and slowly looking like a dog disappointed with its tail between its legs. I picked myself up, got back on the treadmill and kept running. In terrifying moments like that, what would you do? Leave or keep going?
It was probably the longest run I've ever had in my life. I'm pretty sure I ran until I thought everyone else had left the gym. Today, you will never find me playing with my phone while running. And I also, don't run as fast on the treadmill either. It's a wonder I'm not traumatized by this event that took place in my life. You know they give out pills for post traumatic stress disorder. These days, I don't talk to people while I run. I listen to the whole song through on my ipod and even keep an eye my handrails. But, if you ever see me at the gym, I definitely still jam to my music and awkwardly dance while running.
Girl, you are TOO funny!!!