(Beauty is so corrupt these days. A person very close to my heart is beautiful, and I'm not so sure she always knows it. Just in case, I've written her this list...this is why she's so beautiful. Oh, and here's a Jack Johnson song to listen to while you're reading.)
2.) You’re my mom and I am yours and always will be. There are no unnecessary break ups that I will ever have to endure with you.
3.) You are such a wonderful christian woman but I love that you laugh at vulgar jokes.
4.) You are so good at cooking, especially chicken livers. I know that the oil pops on your fore arms and burns but you still make them for me. I love that.
5.) I love that when we take pictures together, you say, "No take it sideways and point to make sure they only take it boobs up. That is so funny to me.
6.) You are so beautiful when you are laughing so hard until you accidentally start coughing. I know I should be worried when you do this but its still so beautiful that we are laughing so hard.
7.) You used to scratch my back when I was a child before I went to sleep. I wish I had someone to do that for me now.
8.) Our dog is fat. You say the neighbors feed her and you are away a lot but you take good care of her.

9.) You are such an adventurous woman. I know we didn't have a lot growing up but that's what made learn to appreciate nature. You did everything and didn't rely on a man. Maybe that is why I am so damn independent. You set up the tent, built the fire, cut the bushes, painted the walls and never stopped to ask for help. I admire that so much. I believe that you are so hardworking, and it makes you so accomplished.
10.) You are such a style savvy woman. You dress your age and your body type. You always make sure you look your best before walking out the door. You taught me alot about being beautifully you no matter where you go (with or with very little make up)
11.) When I was poor in college, you were too, but we never starved.
12.) I can count on you for practically anything. No seriously, anything..."Mom, how do you do this..." "Mom I need help with this.." You seem to have a vast knowledge of everything. You are better than google. Thank goodness for phones, and technology because I couldn't do this whole 10,000 miles away thing without talking to you every single day.

13.) You are kind of bossy but always take control of a situation, especially when people need you. Like during funerals or family gatherings. You just dive in and help even if its just doing to dishes or getting the kids out of the way.
14.) You put others first no matter what. You will work yourself to exhaustion before you stop and breathe. And seriously, you need to chill and relax sometimes but everything is always so put together when you do something. You have the most generous heart I've ever seen. Hopefully, I'm hardworking for the rest of my life like you.
15.) You don't judge others and always believe that there's good in people. Think about this one. THIS IS SO HARD. You find at least one good thing in everyone and I think that that's magical.
16.) You drove me to Steak and Shake at 1230a on a school night for fries and milkshakes to ease my nerves about a test.
17.) Another thing, you were great at helping me study growing up. I think you could have taken the test and passed, you quizzed me so much. I see that has rubbed off on me, by me helping my friends study with their air warfare test.
18.) You didn't push me to get straight A's. You understood that math just wasn't my thing.
19.) You bought salt and vinegar chips for me and Jon even though you hated them. And twizzlers too.
20.) You appreciate anything. Any gift, note, food, present. Its pleasing to you no matter how much it cost, whether its homemade or a weed from outside.
21.) You like to shop and I love going with you. You are great at buying things at the right price. I love that you taught me not to throw my money away.
22.) You are determined. You don't give up. You are so strong.

23.) You have a Christmas gift for just about everyone-even if its just a small cross or card. I send cards to many people too. I get that from you.
24.) You have a nice name. Be, nice with an R in the middle. Bernice. I've always loved spelling it.
25.) I love it when you tell me that I remind you of your mom when I bake, or when you say I'm stubborn like Granddaddy Jake. It makes me proud that I am so connected to my family.
26.) You have great handwriting. and you are great at your job. I love that you love what you do. That's why I'm not settling for anything that doesn't make me happy.
27.) OK so you aren't as good at drinking coffee or wine as I am, but sitting at the river with a movie and coffee or wine is wonderful with you. You are great company and a wonderful conversationalist.

28.) You like sharing banana splits but would never buy one for just you. You realize the importance of company.
29.) You have great legs and beautiful eyes. Thanks for passing those genes to me.
30.) You left the Christmas tree up when I came home for leave in February and you didn't even make me take it down. We listened to Micheal Buble Christmas music and it didn't matter that it was already past Christmas.
31.) You have great taste in music and are open to listening to anything on my ipod. I love the way you sing in church, too. You inspire Brooke to sing and there is surely beauty in bringing others closer to the Lord.
32.) Someone could say any sort of advice to me but I won't feel better about the situation until I hear it from you.
33.) You hate scary movies but always allowed me and Jon to stay up late and eat junk food into the wee hours of the morning hanging out.

34.) You're real. You never said don't smoke or don't drink. I don't have to lie to you or be ashamed. You know I drink. You buy me wine and Jon beer. I think its important that you treated us like adults when we became adults.
35.) Dude, you put up with slumber parties when I was younger. 8 girls in the house all night and by morning there'd be a breakfast casserole in the oven and a smile on your face. The amount of patience you had and still have is endless.
36.) You are my best friend. The best, I'll ever have throughout my life. You showed me what friendship is through Jacqui. That friendship is one I want to be able to experience. 30 plus years!

37.) You shave your legs everyday, and taught me to shave mine! This def calls for a thanks.
38.) You value every minute we have together. I know you'll be here for me no matter what, and I don't want to take you for granted ever. I realize how lucky I am to have you in my life when you lost your mom so young.
39.) I don't know how I turned out to be such an optimistic in life. I get excited about corn and cottage cheese and a dumb letter. Maybe my optimism came from you. I know you were sad at times, but you were always seemed so happy. I may not be happy always but I always seem it, ya know?
40.) OK, last one, I have to make it a good one...I know how much you loved your dad. You were there for him for everything. I know losing your dad was one of the hardest things you've done in your life but you and Aunt Denise handled it so well. When I wanted nothing else but be home, and couldn't be, you understood. You handled the situation, and remembered all the good times we had with granddaddy. I admire you so much for that.

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