Sunday, April 15, 2012

Psalm 19:14 / Staying Connected to my GA's

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. -Psalm 19:14

Above, I have posted this weeks verse to memorize with the GA's. I'm gonna be honest ladies, I haven't been doing so hot on memorizing this one this week, but I have taken valuable consideration into what this means to me.

Sometimes I get in trouble for the things that just slip out of my mouth. There's no filter. Exactly what I am thinking in that moment in time, just slips into the air. With no admonition, I don't have any time to do anything about it. All I can do is sit there and hope it falls with cushion before the burn arrives.

Today was a long day. I find my patience being tested everyday at work with differing personalities and opinions. Countless mornings I go in with a wonderful attitude and a positive mindset but somehow everyday I veer off of this road and choose to talk and gossip with my fellow nautical buddies. Ranting feels good. Sometimes, its good to just get all of your feelings out. On the flip side, talking shit, helps no one and is quite harmful. Day after day, I think "oh I really shouldn't have said that." or "I should have said please and thank you more" My mom taught me manners, but if there's one thing I have learned so far, it's to be considerate when asking for help. Who is going to help you if you rudely ask?  

Tomorrow I am going to make an honest attempt to be kind to the 3rd class petty officer that micro manages, and not scowl or talk crap when he rudely asks me to do things. Just because his words aren't pleasing to the Lord does not mean I shouldn't watch what I say and how I behave. This is going to be interesting because he drives me crazy.

I may fail. But I know that small changes in my daily life are noticed by the Lord and simply making this attempt is greatly needed in my life. I am lacking in this area and oftentimes don't think before I speak. I know I'm wrong when I'm wrong, but oftentimes, its too late.

At the end of the day, I will write about what I said and how I said it in the reflection of God. If there are mistakes in my day, I will write down what I should have said.


Dear Lord,
Please help me be more like you. I need kindness on my lips, forgiveness in my heat and patience throughout the day. Please give me the strength to stay away from the gossip, to rise above the situation and be the better person you would be proud of. AMEN.


1 comment:

  1. Dearest Little,

    Don't look at your lack of a filter as a bad thing. To me its a good thing, I know I can always count on you be to honest. You are not one to beat around the bush or lie about something. In today's society I appreciate your honesty. You are truthful in what you do and say. I am proud of you! Love Big <3
