I love the first sip of a can of diet coke. I don't think the burn of carbonation will ever get old. Diet coke reminds me of my Phi Mu days. Ask for a drink from a sister's apartment and you're only option is beer or diet coke. Take it or leave it.
I live for the smell of books- old or new. I still can't make up my mind about these kindles, and nooks. While they would make my life underway much easier, I just can't break down and buy one. I feel like buying one, is killing one more used bookstore, shutting down one more library and closing another book store/ coffee cafe. I will not do it. Not yet. They made side pockets on our NWU's for something and books fit perfect!
My ears smile when I hear the song, "Dust on the Bottle, by David Lee Murphy. I'll admit, its kind of a one hit wonder but whenever it comes on the radio, I duet with him...on every line. My old college roommate, Jordyn and I would listen to old 90's country for hours while doing homework.... keyword "doing." Mostly we just facebooked and talked.
My stomach melts when I eat banana sandwiches. Not banana and peanut butter sandwiches...banana and mayonnaise. And don't even call me weird, until you have tried it. It's a North Carolina soul food and tradition. My family pairs it with fried chicken.
About 90% of my dreams are still located in the states. I don't dream Japan, which I find highly interesting. I dream about many of my friends from Japan but most of the time we are in the states.
I become one with myself when I have my cowboy boots on. Every single pair of em! I was fortunate enough to bring a pair with me to Japan. I'm sure I get looks when I cross the quarterdeck but they are my heart and my style. Without them, I don't feel like myself.
Thomas gave me a stuffed bear that she won out of a claw machine when we first got to Japan. I named him Lucky. He almost died, but Hoffman sewed him up before he lost too much stuffing. He gives me something to snuggle with at night. Since I left Pumba in the states with my brother, I gotta have something to wrap my arms around.
Most days I have to be to work by 0400am. I get up at 0330, but my morning is never complete if I don't get to listen to at least 3 songs while getting ready in the morning. This week, its been Clay Walker love songs.
By working on the mess decks, I've found that I have a great deal of patience for my fellow shipmates. I have also learned, that I have no issue with speaking up and telling fellow shipmates to take their treys, trash and leftover food particles with them to the scullery and trash, no matter how much lip or bitching they give me.
Phi Mu still has my heart. I can't look at a lion without thinking sir fidel. I doodle quatrefoils during trainings. 1852 is part of my email. My sisters are my life. I say the sailor's creed far more often, but haven't forgotten Phi Mus creed and continue to live it daily.
Ok, this reads more like a journal entry but its raining out and I don't have anything hilarious to write about yet. More to come!!!
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