(Again, this was written while the ship was underway on October 4, 2012.)
1.) Honey, don't rush love. It'll blow your mind when you're ready and when it's right. It'll open your heart only after you've completely divulged into yourself first.
2.) It is OK to cry. It doesn't mean you're weak. It doesn't mean you're inferior. You'll be OK. Just give yourself time to cope before standing back up to kick MAJOR ass.
3.)You are NOT a diva. Don't act stuck up. Don't be selfish. You do not want to grow into being a bitch. In Gone With the Wind, everyone loves, Scarlett, but Melanie is who you should emulate. She is the most kind being.
4.)You are a beautiful girl. You have the prettiest blue eyes. I know you don't see it yet, but God has blessed you with beauty on the outside. He made you this way for a reason, so use your outer beauty with caution and realize, the inside counts too.

6.) Your first boyfried will break your heart. You will think you can't move on. But, baby, you can and you will. In the years after your first love, you will fall in love with your independence and grow as a young woman. There will be more boyfriends along the way.
7.) Be kind to your mom. It's the truest love you'll ever have. You'll learn later in life that she'll be around no matter who walks in and out of your life.
8.) Don't change your interests for others. Whether they are your classmates, friends, boyfriends, whatever. Like what you like, no mattter what. I don't care whether its 'cool' or 'in' at the time. You'll figure out that it really doesn't matter.

9.) Hoe's before bro's, my dear. Your girlfriends should come first no matter how wrapped up in love you are.

10.) Have no fear. Don't worry. Don't plan. Just live and whatever happens, happens. take it one day at a time. Its the only way you'll survive.
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