OK, so when the ship is underway there is absolutely no way to update my blog but, sometimes I write down prompts for myself in my journal so I never run out of ideas when a computer isn't accessible. This is a journal entry written on November 5, 2012.
PROMPT: What popular notion do you think the world has wrong?
I'm sorry if you disagree or if I offend anyone who married straight out of college. But, this is my blog, and my opinions. Read if you want. Or don't.
Every twenty something year old graduating from college thinks that after college, when you reach a certain age and you've dated your significant other for the "appropriate" amount of time that its time to settle down and get married.
WHAAAAT???? This is the popular notion that, in my opinion, society has completely wrong. I understand that a few generations ago, many married young. However, this is 2013, why in the world would it be a good idea to get married straight out of college just because society says, "It's time?"
When did this come about? And who puts the appropriate age on when its time to get married? I think society fuels this from boredom. After college, no one knows what to do... so marriage is, obviously, the right answer, right? It's like society has a timeline mapped out for us.
1.) Elementary school.
2.) Middle school.
3.) High school
4.) College
5.) Get married.
Except number 5 is made up. It doesn't exist. And you can't live life off of an imaginary map anyways. Number 5 should be: Explore the things you love! Focus on you. Date. Date A LOT, but don't settle down yet.
Graduating college is terrible. After four years of doing A LOT of growing up, graduating college is like starting completely over again. You're an adult now. Welcome to the real world! Except, everyone in the real world is wiser than you. All of the jobs you are applying for, require experience. Well tell me, how do you acquire experience if no one ever hires someone straight out of college. Graduating college is terrible.
(I love my boyfriend. I really do. So this rant has nothing to do with him. Remember, I wrote this awhile ago, while we were underway. I am a few years out of college and am currently giving myself all the room to explore I want. So don't think I am unhappily dating or not planning for my future. This was just too funny for me not to post!)
So, I'm twenty four and I'm not married yet. Uh oh!!!! I didn't follow the rules like everyone else! Oh no! I'm not married! What are we going to do? But seriously, why would someone want to settle down as soon as they graduate college? Just so they can't explore the world and learn new things on their own. OK, that sounds fun.
So, I should have someone hold me back from all my hopes and dreams? Well that's dumb. Life gives me enough problems holding me back as it is, without another person dragging me down. I'm not saying marriage holds you back and drags you down sounds really harsh. But, going straight from high school to college to getting married gives you no time to be yourself and live on your own. Do you know how much changing you do after college. A LOT! In my mind, I put a great deal of importance on putting me first. If you're married straight out of college, you can't always put yourself first. You can't plan for one. You can never just hop on a plane to India. You can't discover all of the things you love. You have to make plans. Yes, dating requires plans too. And it's wonderful planning for two, don't get me wrong but after college, everyone deserves a bit of time for just themselves, so that when they do get ready, they're ready. Does that make sense?
Also, by getting married straight out of college, when you have kids what will you tell them? Will you have all the answers? Will you be able to say, back when I was twenty something, in whatever place, with elephants, and fishing, and whatever else. Or will you say, yeah after college?
My goals in life may be different than others but I want to be able to have all the wisdom and knowledge in the world to tell my kids. I want to be able to answer with fascinating stories of books, and places all over the world. I just need to be me. I need to accomplish my dreams. I need to live for myself. I deserve to dig deeper and truly become Danielle. Rather than become Mrs. Danielle ______, ya know?
I'm happy for all of my girlfriend's and family, currently engaged straight out of college but me,.... I disagree. I'm destined for greatness. I'll get married when I'm ready, rather than when society says it's "time".

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